domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

The hardest thing: growing up

I believe that one of the hardest things  for our parents have to do is to accept that their children are growing up. 
Maybe not one of the hardest things, maybe that is the hardest. 

Our parents, those special adults God has given to teach us all what they know and to love us, are very sensible when they watch how their kids are growing up and becoming teenagers. 

I believe they, our parents, mom and dad,  see us in a way that nobody in this world would see: with a look full and charming love surprised of how those little kids we where once, those kids who played with bicycles and Barbies, those kids who were watching cartoons and laughing at the tv, those kids who played in the yard, those kids who cried when mom or dad weren't with them, those kids who were always trying to surprise daddy or mommy with their friends; those kids who now, now they're becoming teenagers. 

What's the fear? Are really our parents so afraid of "losing" us when we start becoming teenagers o when we already are teenagers? What's the big fear? Are they afraid of their kids grow to fast? So many questions that I couldn't figure out what would be the answer or the correct answer. 

But why, us as teenagers (not in general talking and not everybody), lose communication with our parents? I believe that when we start becoming teenagers, is when communication with our parents has to be the most strongest connection. But, here's something: if our parents doesn't have a good communication when we're kids, how are they going to have a better communication when we start becoming teenagers? One more thing: we, as teenagers, have to give a try to our parents to have a good communication with them, so they can understand us better. 

I'm proud to say that my parents, mom and dad have teached me a lot that I guess not every parent teach to their children. They are unique in a certain way, because they're open minded but old fashioned at the same time. One of the things I really like about my parents is the fact that I can be me, just me. And I believe that they love that I don't try to hide them anything, including my personality.   

But there's always something and now that something is growing up. It's hard for me too, because I'm becoming more teenager every year and I start to have more responsibilities that I never have had. 

But I guess we can not do or change anything about it. It doesn't matter how hard it is for us or for our parents, we have to. We have to grow up. I don't want to grow up but I have to. 

As my daddy once said to me: "That's just part of life, growing up...That's how is life: we have to grow up. " Then, why is so hard? Why is so hard? If it's hard for me, I don't imagine how hard it is for my parents. 

But I guess that's how it has to be. It's just a part of life of every human being. We just have to grow up. 

For my mommy and my daddy. Nobody can give me more love than both of you.

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

Un pequeño placer

De esos pequeños pero grandes placeres, así como lo es escribir y leer; tomar café amargo y pan dulce; amar y ser amado; reír y recordar; escuchar música y "transportarse" a otro mundo; jugar y divertirse; comer y llenarse; dormir y sentirse de lo mejor........ Así como esos pequeños placeres que se sienten tan bien cuando los hacemos.

Uno de los mejores pequeños placeres es el de tomar café amargo mientras como pan dulce escuchando música y escribo ésta entrada. ¿Por qué? Porque tengo algo que no había tenido desde hace algún tiempo: las ganas de no querer hacer absolutamente nada y escribir desde mi propia laptop mientras nadie me molesta en mi cuarto.  Sólo yo, mi laptop, mi taza de café, el pan dulce y mi Ipod.

¿Por qué será que el simple hecho de tener internet nos hace felices? ¿Por qué una taza de café amargo se siente tan bien? ¿Por qué será que me siento así? ¿Serán los efectos que hace el café en mi cerebro? ¿Será que la música está demasiado alta? ¿Por qué me siento como si estuviera drogada? ¿El café puede drogar a alguien? Muchas preguntas y tan pocas respuestas. O talvez todo ésto son los efectos que causa el café y no hay ninguna respuesta correcta o lógica a lo que pregunto.

Para mí, tres tazas de café amargo sin ninguna cucharada de azúcar son de los pequeños placeres que me gusta tener. Eso, más la música que tengo de fondo. 

Y, yo creo que de eso trata la vida. Talvez de eso trata. Pequeños placeres que los sentimos tan grandes y son tan importantes para nosotros; de esas costumbres que no podemos dejar o que no queremos dejar; de hacer lo que no podemos hacer o lo que se nos dice no hacer; de creer en nosotros mismos aún cuando nadie cree en nosotros; de vivir y sólo vivir para sentirnos plenos. Y muchísisisimas cosas que sentimos la necesidad de tener el placer de hacerlas.

Vivir, sentir y escribir. Escuchar y aprender. Olvidar y querer. Café y muchas ideas a flote.